Sunday, August 2, 2009

All about Emily...

This goddaughter of mine called Emily. She is now 7 months and a half; a very active baby... take a look yourself with the pictures below:

Emily: I like to watch tv. I wonder how they get into the box...

Emily: Gahaha... this thing has a funny sound! I like!

Hammering is fun. 
But only caught her attention for a few minutes. 
She likes something new and fun everyday... *sweat* 

Emily: How does my hair look today? 

Emily: Oii! You! Here!! Now!!! ( I can be as 'samseng' as I want! )

Emily: Can you please release this belt and 'bao bao' (carry) me?

Okay... I went a wee-bit obsess with Emily. Better stop here now. Will update again when I have the internet connection again.  ^o^

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